1、步行 Walking
步行是最基本的出行方式,英文中用“walking”表示。“I usually walk to work.”(我通常步行去上班。)
2、骑自行车 Cycling
骑自行车用“cycling”表示。“Many people choose to cycle as a way of commuting.”(许多人选择骑自行车作为通勤方式。)
3、公共交通 Public Transportation
公共交通是一个广泛的类别,包括巴士、地铁、电车等,英文中用“public transportation”表示。“I take the bus to get to the train station for my trip.”(我坐巴士去火车站旅行。)
4、地铁 Subway/Metro
地铁在英语中用“subway”或“metro”表示。“I often use the subway to get around the city.”(我经常坐地铁在城市里穿梭。)
5、出租车 Taxi
出租车用“taxi”表示。“I took a taxi to the airport to catch my flight.”(我乘出租车去机场赶飞机。)
6、私家车 Private Car
私家车通常指个人拥有的汽车,英文中直接用“private car”表示。“Many people drive their private cars to work.”(许多人开私家车去上班。)
7、共享单车/汽车 Bicycle/Car Sharing
共享单车和汽车在英语中分别用“bicycle sharing”和“car sharing”表示。“I use car sharing services to get around the city.”(我使用汽车共享服务在城市里穿梭。)
1、What is your preferred mode of transportation?(你最喜欢的出行方式是什么?)
2、I prefer cycling to driving in the city.(我在城市里更喜欢骑自行车而不是开车。)
3、Public transportation is very convenient in this city.(这个城市公共交通非常方便。)
4、I often take the subway to meet my friends.(我经常坐地铁去见我的朋友。)
5、I took a taxi to the airport last night.(我昨晚乘出租车去了机场。)
6、Driving a private car gives me more freedom.(开私家车给我更多的自由。)
7、Car sharing is a great way to reduce car ownership costs.(汽车共享是减少汽车拥有成本的好方法。)
1、交通拥堵 Traffic Congestion
2、道路状况 Road Conditions
3、公共交通系统 Public Transportation System
4、绿色出行 Green Commuting(如步行、骑自行车、使用公共交通等环保出行方式)
5、交通规则 Traffic Rules
6、驾驶技巧 Driving Skills
7、高速公路 Expressway/Motorway等。